Posted on July 17, 2023
Tom T. is what we consider a Spooner connoisseur. As every Spooner is slightly unique, Tom prefers to shop in person to select the perfect version of the print he admires. Taking a tour of his closet that is filled with over 300 shirts, it’s clear that each Spooner was carefully selected.
Tom was first introduced to the brand in the early 90s when he got a job as a high school teacher at a brand-new school in San Diego. The school drew students from various schools in the area and held a Luau for everyone to get to know one another. Another teacher at the school was wearing a Spooner, and Tom asked him about it.
His colleague told him about Reyn Spooner and how each of our shirts are unique, which piqued his interest. After acquiring a few for himself, he was hooked. For Tom, the quality construction, easy care, and the artwork (more than anything) really made them special.
In addition to the shirts themselves, Tom really enjoys the conversations he’s had over the years and the people he’s met through a shared appreciation for our shirts. When he sees strangers on cruises or at airports, he often finds himself having a conversation about the particular print the person is wearing or where they bought it. He is also an active member of the Official Reyn Spooner Fan Club on Facebook.
If I am ever wavering between two different shirts I can always rely on my wife Debra. She has a great eye for print layout.
Tom’s collection features many notable prints, including many of the Hawaiian Christmas prints we’ve made over the years. He also has a great selection of our classic Lahaina Sailor Aloha shirts in numerous colors.
Tom’s favorite shirt in his collection is a vintage Air Force print that features the P-38 plane. The shirt holds a lot of meaning for Tom as his father served in the U.S. Army Air Corps as a sergeant and crew chief and trained pilots to fly the P-38 planes during WWII.